Our Bespoke Marketing services
Not every marketing campaign needs to happen on a billboard, a bus or train station. Some of our most successful campaigns have been one off events. Be it branding coffee cups at a travel fair, to creating an advert for the cinema. Our creative team will come up with a concept that will bring real results. We will tailor make your campaign to suit your exact needs, to be unique and stand out! Feel free to contact us to discuss your bespoke marketing campaign and we will make it a reality.
Street Advertising
Street marketing is an effective form of advertising which is commonly used to target potential customers in busy urban environments such as cities or towns. This is a bespoke campaign in Berlin where four vendors were handing out promotional material in front of the iconic Brandenburg Gate in the centre of Berlin.
VIP Taxi Advertising
This is extremely popular with tourism regions right now! We offer a photoshoot with the client and the branded taxi in various Iconic locations . The photos are edited, prepared and sent to the client to use on social media, websites or other purposes.
Restaurant Catering Promotion
Promoting a region or city in a high end restaurant is a very effective way of reaching a target audience. We carefully choose the restaurant, it’s location and the demographic of the clientele to obtain the best possible results for the client. The food prepared during the campaign also reflects the region we are promoting. Bespoke cuisine for a bespoke region.
Custom Advertising Campaigns
Some of our most successful campaigns have been one off events, be it branding coffee cups at a travel fair to creating an advert for the cinema.
Our creative team will come up with a concept that will bring real results.
Get in touch with us to find out how we can create unique campaign to best promote you!